I used the Map My Run iPhone app for the first time. I liked it. At each mile a pleasant female voice (who sounded suspiciously like Siri) told me my running time, the mile marker, and my pace. Cool.
I have recovered from my Marine Corps Marathon debacle. I am now considering either the Atlanta Marathon or the Atlantic City Marathon, both in October. I read reviews for both on MarathonGuide.com. Both marathons got mostly favorable reviews. According to everyone, the Atlanta Marathon is hilly. I checked out two elevation charts. The data on them differed from each other. Hmmm. On the first chart the hills did not seem too steep, not the case on the second chart. The one thing possibly dissuading me from the Atlantic City Marathon is the headwind, a seemingly unavoidable issue on the ocean. I have some time to decide since neither of them are considered "Big City Marathons" so there are no registration constraints, other than the ones I create all by myself.
I vote for Atlanta. Atlantic City seems like a creepy place for kids. But there is a boardwalk so...