Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mother's Little Helper

Day 4 of the stomach virus!!  Ugh!  No 18 miler this morning.  According to the Runner's World Gurus, I should just forget about the runs I've missed and move forward on my schedule.  I hope to be back on the road tomorrow.  Pete told me about a virus going around the midwest that lasts two to four weeks!  What?!?  No can do.

I found out yesterday that I am Runner #6 in the Hood to Coast relay.  This means I will be running a little over 17 miles total (3 legs) in the 24 hours it will take us to complete the 200 miles from Mount Hood to the Pacific Ocean.  I'm a little nervous about Leg 18, my second.  I will be doing this in the middle of the night.  A blogger reported that there were no signs or volunteers directing her during this particular leg.  I do not want to get lost.  The other team members have suggested I study the route.  I am reluctant to tell them that I have gotten lost just five miles from home...more than once...maybe more than twice.  Other than this possible nightmare of being stranded in the dark across country in the middle of nowhere, I'm pumped about the race!

Mr. Pharmacist, can I get this intravenously?